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E38: Do We Teach for Understanding or for Improved Behavior?

No, we aren’t talking about football. When you teach, do you try to cover all the content or do you only get to a few verses and go deep? If you did only cover a few verses, do you feel guilty for not teaching everything? Are you cheating them if you go deep?
What we have found is that most gospel teachers are most comfortable teaching most, if not all the content. They go wide. And they are in a rush to make sure each point is made. But what if you let that go? What if your goal is to NOT teach everything, but to help them feel the Spirit and to help them learn how to learn on their own?
“One of the most important things we could do is teach them how to learn the scriptures, how to become, how to ask those right questions, how to come closer to their Savior by asking those questions and diving deep into their thought process and understanding.”

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