TEACHING RESTORED Exploring the HOW of teaching the restored gospel of Jesus Christ to bring others unto Him.
Introduction To Teaching Restored What we are doing, why, and how much fun we are going to have!
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Meet The Hosts

Kevin Jones
Kevin Jones grew up in Springfield, Oregon and went on a mission to Ogden, Utah. He earned his bachelors from University of Oregon and a masters in organizational performance and instructional technology from Boise State University.
Kevin’s profession consists of two things that scare most others: public speaking and asking really uncomfortable questions. He is first a professional speaker and second a consultant focused on organizational culture and design. He has worked with NASA, AT&T, Dow, Dell, Lowes, and many others.
Kevin is almost finished with a book on how to use questions in gospel teaching, and speaks on how to transform home, business, and life by asking really good questions. He and his wife, Kelly, also own and run Fed Pilot, an educational company for federal employees.
With only two of their eight children still at home (but others close by), Kevin & Kelly live near Vancouver, Washington.

Julie Hillyard
Julie (McAllister) Hillyard was raised in Vancouver, WA, served a mission in the Philippines, and graduated from BYU with a degree in Psychology. She taught classes to male inmates and mentored female inmates at UT state prison before and as she launched her career.
She had the privilege of working and traveling with Dr. Stephen R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and worked with him as he developed and wrote The 8th Habit.
She joined him as he consulted with leaders of countries and companies and helped him prepare and deliver presentations to audiences around the world.
She is now married with three fabulous kids, owns a pickleball paddle company with her husband, and is working part-time doing consulting work in leadership and communications. Her favorite job, however, is teaching the stake adult religion class each week.